Concrete Cosmetics - Bir başka Beton Kozmetik site sitesi


Surface Cleaning and Protection Technologies

Concrete Cosmetic

KEIM Lasur Technic have been used more than 35 years for protection of fair-faced concrete structures and improving their aesthetic appearance. With the designer's interpretation of the Lasur technic, the result is surprising every time and demonstrates the endless design power of the material. Lasur technic is a very good method to hide the visual defects in concrete with its contribution to design.

Concrete Repairing

With the use of KEIM Potassium Sol-Silicate based concrete protection products, the surface has a mineral matte appearance just like natural concrete. Textures such as wood mold marks are not only preserved, but become an integral part of the surface as a result of the silicification process. This also protects against further deterioration due to bad weather....
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Protection Of Concrete

Silicate paints penetrate and chemically interact with the mineral surface as a result of the appropriate combination of its binder, glass water, with inorganic color pigments and mineral based fillers. In addition, KEIM silicate paints are not only used on fair-faced concrete surfaces for this purpose, it is also preferred in terms of its many advantages.....