Protectosil® Surface Protection
Easy-to-Clean Surfaces
Protectosil® structure protection manufactures products for applying on especially surfaces of constructions and structures. Protectosil® SC products protect concrete surfaces and construction frontage for a long time. Therefore, it can decrease effects of environmental effects such as, water staining, mould, moss, soot or oil staining and cleans very easily.
This achievment is gained due to creation of high rate hydro and oleophobic surfaces.
However, this oleophobic and hydrophobic surface effects can not take place of hydrophobation. Thank to molecules of Protectosil® surface protection products is bigger than molecules of Protectosil® water repellent products, Protectosil® surface protection products show lower penetration depth.
Protectosil® surface protection products react with surface’s molecules and it show resistance against air conditions. Both two properties are effective and long term protection solution.
Different from standart coatings sealded surface like film, Protectosil® products allows water vapor transmission. Thus, stucture material can be breathable, moisture does not keep inside and surface is protected more efficiently.
Wall shown in left picute is protected with Protectosil® SC Concentrate. In right picture, surface are left unprotected. After 8 years, difference between them are very clear.
Apllication Example: “Stadelhofen Train Station, Zurich”
Stadelhofen Train Station is a concrete building exposed high pessenger traffic and weather conditions.
Due to renovation work in 2002, all surfaces were protected with spreying Protectosil® BHN and Protectosil® SC 60 products by airless spreying guns. Thus, magnificent appearance of building has been protecting still nowadays. Weathering resistance is important property for long-lasting performance. From Protectosil® SC 100 to Protectosil® SC CONCENTRATE, all products provide long-lasting protection.
Graphic given down below shows droplet impact properties of Protectosil® SC products. Different type of mixture with water or alcohol were used. Mixture number 1 (water / alcohol) can clean more easily than pure alcohol (mixture number 6).
Droplet impact property of Protectosil® SC CONCENTRATE product is better than Protectosil® SC 30. Both products is more durable against weathering than phloropolymers which are also suitable for these kind of applications. Phloropolymers are very weak for weathering so that causes serious deterioration in time.
Products ;
Protectosil® SC CONCENTRATE; zero VOC, suitable for mienral surfaces.
Protectosil® SC 30, SC 60, SC 100; is a silane based system to creat easily cleaning surfaces on porous, raw, unpainted mineral based materials such as and-lime stone, bricks, concrete, marble, granite.
Protectosil® BHN PLUS; is a water-repellent product with excellent stainless prorperties. It decreases growing microorganisims such as moss and mould on applied surface. (low VOC)
Protectosil® SC 1000; is excellent water, oil repellent product for mineral surfaces. It decreases growing microorganisims such as moss and mould. Product weaken sticking gums and posters.
Protectosil® SC POWDER; is a powdery waterborne products to make easily clean surfaces for cement materials. It is especially sutiable for modification of slab concretes.